Government Agencies
- Centers for Independent Living: TXCIL
- Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living : BVCIL
- Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority of Brazos Valley: MHMR
- Social Security (Benefits for Individuals with Disabilities): SSA
2015 earned income exclusion explanation:
2015 Social Security Benefits for Children brochure: Link
- Texas Autism Research and Resource Center: TARRC
- Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities: TCDD
- Texas Department of Aging and Disability: DADS
- Texas Driving the Disabilities LINK
- Texas Workforce Commission's Vocational Rehabilitative Services (formally known as DARS): VR
- VR of TWC provides support for people with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment (age 14 and up). To contact call (979) 680-5270 For more on VR services see- DARS.pdf
- Texas Department of Family and Protective Services: DFPS
- Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs: TDHCA
- Texas Department of State Health Services: DSHS
- Texas Medicaid Provider Finder: TMHP
- Texas Health and Human Services Commission: HHSC Learn about HHSC programs: Link Apply for HHSC benefits (SNAP/food stamps, Medicaid, CHIP, TANF) : Link
- The Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities: The Governor's Committee
- Brazos Valley Council of Governments: BVCOG
- U.S. Department of Education Services (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services): DOE