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Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid waivers provide financial support to people with disabilities. For most waivers (all but GRS), eligibility does not need to be determined until funds become available for your child. To place your child on the lists you only need to call the contact number and provide your contact information. The agency will then contact you every two years to establish that the contact information is still correct and that you still want your child on the list(s). 

People can wait for waiver support up to 15 years after signing up.  For more information on the waivers listed below see the attached pdf.- Which Waiver Does What?


WAIVER: General Revenue Services (GRS)

Services include service coordination, community supports, respite, day rehabilitation, employment assistance, supported employment and behavioral health services.
Requirements: The person must have an IQ below 69, or have been diagnosed as having a related condition with an IQ below 75. (Autism and other developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and spina-bifida are related conditions.)
note: the waiting list for GRS is only months long; however, eligibility must get determined upon placing your child on the list (this is the only list with this condition). Eligibility can often be determined by providing MHMR consent to your child's school records.
To apply contact MHMR at (979)822-6467 or 804 S. Texas Ave, Bryan, TX 77803


WAIVER: Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) 

Services and supports, such as habilitation, minor home modifications, nursing, specialized therapies, respite and case management. 
Requirements: Must meet the criteria of a Related Condition: a developmental disability (other than intellectual disability) that occurred before the age of 22 and with significant impairment in 3 major life activity areas. 
Apply for Services by calling 1-877-438-5658 


WAIVER: Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) 

Services and supports to families caring for medically dependent child in their home who is less than 21 years of age. These services may include adaptive aids, adjunct support services (such as those that support independent living, participation in child care and participation in post-secondary education), minor home modifications, respite and transition assistance services.
Must meet the medical necessity determination for nursing facility care. 
Apply for Services by calling 1-877-438-5658 


WAIVER: Home and Community Services (HCS) 

Services include day habilitation, employment assistance, respite, residential services, and specialized therapies.
 The person must have an IQ below 69 made in accordance with state law, or IQ below 75 and diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition. (Autism and other developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and spina-bifida are related conditions.) 
To apply contact MHMR at (979)822-6467 or 804 S. Texas Ave, Bryan, TX 77803


WAIVERSTAR+PLUS Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) (previously known as Community Based Alternatives or CBA)

These services may include adaptive aids and medical supplies, adult foster care, assisted living, residential care services, consumer directed services, emergency response services, home delivered meals, minor home modifications, nursing services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, personal assistance services, respite care, speech and/or language pathology services and prescription drugs (if not covered through Medicare).
 A person must be 21 years or older and must meet the medical necessity determination for nursing facility care.
To Apply for Services call 1-877-438-5658


WAIVER: Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities Waiver (DB-MD)

Home and community-based services for persons who have legal blindness; a chronic, severe hearing impairment; or a condition that leads to deaf-blindness and a third disability that results in impairment to independent functioning. This program is an alternative to institutional care and offers services such as attendant care, orientation and mobility, and assisted living.
Requirements: Must be 
18 years or older and must be legally deaf, blind with a third disability resulting in a demonstrated need for daily habilitation services 
To Apply for Services call 1-877-438-5658. 


WAIVER: Texas Home Living Waiver (TxHmL) 

Services and supports, such as day habilitation, respite and employment assistance, for persons who live in their own home or their family’s home.
 The person must have an IQ below 69 made in accordance with state law, or IQ below 75 and diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition. (Autism and other developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and spina-bifida are related conditions.)
To Apply for Services call 1-877-438-5658 


WAIVER: Family Care

Provides escort services to medical appointment, home management (e.g., cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.), and personal care (e.g., bathing, grooming, cooking, toileting, transferring, etc.).
Requirements: Must be
 18 years or older and demonstrate unmet need in areas of service, meet income requirements, and meet eligibility under functional assessment. 

To Apply for Services call 1-877-438-5658 


WAIVER: Primary Home Care (PHC)

Provides escort services to medical appointment, home management (e.g., cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.), and personal care (e.g., bathing, grooming, cooking, toileting, transferring, etc.).
Requirements: Must be
 21 years or older and demonstrate unmet need in areas of service, have practitioner's statement of medical need, eligible for Medicaid, and meet eligibility under functional assessment with at least one personal care need based on medical condition. 

To Apply for Services call 1-877-438-5658 


WAIVER: Community Assistant Services (CAS)

Provides escort services to medical appointment, home management (e.g., cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.), and personal care (e.g., bathing, grooming, cooking, toileting, transferring, etc.).
Requirements: Must
 meet eligibility under functional assessment with at least one personal care need based on medical condition, able to direct own care, meet income requirements, and not be Medicaid eligible. 
To Apply for Services call 1-877-438-5658 


WAIVER: Youth Empowerment Services (YES)

Provides respite, community living support (e.g., support for caregiver & individual to gain independence), family support services (e.g., mentoring and training), adaptive aids, home modifications, non-medical transportation (e.g., transportation to the movies), paraprofessional services (e.g., peer mentoring), professional services (e.g., non-traditional therapy), and supported family-based alternatives (e.g., transition support to return home from residential treatment). 

Requirements: Must be between 3 and 18 and demonstrate risk factors for placement in an institution or residential treatment from a mental illness or behavior. Youth that do not qualify for Medicaid may qualify for YES because they consider the youth's income not the parents. 
To Apply for Services call MHMR at (979)822-6467 

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Robertson County Special Services704 Wheelock StreetHearne, TX  77859

PH: 979-279-3507Fax: 979-279-8040

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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