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Nancy Eastland
Educational Diagnostician
Nancy Eastland image

My name is Nancy Eastland, and I have been serving the Franklin school district as an educational diagnostician since August of 2012. My previous experience includes 9 years of teaching general ed and special ed in Texas, 4 years of teaching general ed and special ed in Arkansas, and 1 year serving as an educational diagnostician in Arkansas. I hold a B.S.I.S. from Stephen F. Austin State University, as well as, a M.Ed. with certificates for Educational Diagnostician and Principal. I am the case manager/diagnostician for Franklin Elementary, Franklin Middle, and Franklin High schools. Additionally, I'm serving as the In-Home/Parent Trainer for RCSS.




Phone: 9792793507Email: Nancy EastlandRobertson County Special Services
704 Wheelock St. Hearne TEXAS 77859